
Thursday, May 17, 2018

it's been many whiles..

My previous employment has rendered me useless. I have been unable to write properly, and have been producing sub par standards of design work that is highly equivalent to a mass production exercise within a factory. And I have also became a person whom I don't really want to associate with. The horror. I have encompassed everything I never wanted.

But then again, Andy Warhol has done pretty brilliant works with mass production. I am, unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately), not him and should stop finding excuses for my incontestable foolishness for thinking the world of me when that job opportunity literally came knocking on my door.

This is why, one should never think the world of themselves. Look what happened. Jokes' right back on you.

But then again, I have to say that it was not as if I didn't have any good memories to take away with me. I have, met some of the most amazing people in my team and am genuinely so glad they have moved on and are doing things they love.

In any case, the sudden resurgence of this blog is mainly because while looking for further employment opportunities, I chanced upon something I wrote awhile back and it seem to struck a chord within me - that I have strayed so far away from what I initially stepped out with.

I've always had keen interest in Public Service and a strong desire in doing something worthwhile to help people within the communities. I feel that by being involved in the ministries that are already in place within Singapore will allow me to help people better, be it in any scale. And eventually, I want to make the world a better place for everyone to be in. In addition, since I majored in design and have a strong interest in copywriting, I hope to at least contribute my skills and apply whatever I've learned, back to our society. 

Lynette, please remember this.

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